We started our Borderlines Brewing journey little over a year ago. In that time we’ve designed, built and licenced our little brewery in our garage at home and started selling our beer online, at markets and into shops in the local area.
We’ve talked a bit in previous articles about how we got to deciding to start a brewery. We’ve even touched upon how it’s going so far but we’ve never really talked about how we got from ‘decision to start’ to actually ‘starting’.
Well, now we find ourselves in the new year tumbleweed of not-a-lot-going-on-ness and whilst our latest batches of fresh tasty beer are bubbling away ready to go on sale soon aaaaand seen as though we started out on this journey a year ago we thought now would be as good a time as any to share with you, in a new series of short articles, how we started our tiny little brewery. Over the course of the series we’ll go through planning, budgeting, building and legals.
So, if you’re thinking about embarking on a similar journey or if you’re just interested in how we did it grab a cuppa and read on for the first in our series – ‘Checklist at the Ready!’